Welcome to Banjar

Banjar stands for Bandwidth justification for administrator. A web-based bandwidth management tools based on tc and iptables for internet cafe or small to medium network administrators.

Actually Banjar is a nice city in west Java, an entrance to Pangandaran beach, Indonesia. My home town.

Banjar originally (and I think some of it still) specially crafted for Indonesian based networks. That's why you'll see some terminologies that might only be known in Indonesia like IIX, International bandwidth and IIX bandwidth. Hence that, on banjar v0.5 you have an option to remove IIX configurations.

Latest release: Banjar v0.8.1 (05 April 2008).

Downloads available on this URL: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=190492

More informations available on this URL: http://www.antonraharja.web.id/category/release/banjar

Thank you for visiting.

Anton Raharja (anton at ngoprek dot org)